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Bagley Balsa Wake 1

Delivering performance that has made Bagley Baits a staple among avid bass anglers since 1960, the Bagley Balsa Wake I utilizes the newest balsa wood technologies to give anglers the ultimate shallow water search bait. Made using Bagleys exclusive Heat Compression Molding process, which allows for a full wire through design and precision internal weighting, the Bagley Balsa Wake I Wake Bait is much more durable and provides longer more accurate casts than traditional balsa wood baits that are carved out of a single piece of wood. It is also fitted with a steeply angled square lip for running slightly below the surface and over the top of structure to create erratic deflections that will trigger aggressive reaction strikes. Finished with a set of razor sharp treble hooks that provide a high hook up ratio, the Bagley Balsa Wake I Wake Bait is perfect for fishing over shallow water grass, laydowns, and rocks where bass sit and wait to ambush prey. Dives 0-2ft

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Inventory On Hand 05/19 @ 06:52 AM
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Blue Back Shad - 2"
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Usually Stocked Item
Usually Stocked Item
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CUSTOM: balsa-wake-1

Currency: Canadian Pricing American Pricing

Crankbaits, Lipless Crankbaits